After listening to the whispering of his heart, Dieguez opened 3D Cycling Lab
After a long and successful cycling career on the road and track, with a few years of triathlon thrown in, what do you do? You might try something else: a different sport, a business in a different field, maybe live abroad, but ultimately find that your heart remains in cycling. That was the situation that David Dieguez Diaz faced. He listened what his heart told him.
A very important, but often overlooked, aspect of cycling is for the rider to have the right position on the bike. It sounds very basic and simple, but it is something which makes a big difference. We introduce 3D Cycling Lab, where the emphasis is getting the rider and the bike to fit together properly.
“Biomechanics and bike fitting are relatively new in the cycling world, and many riders are really focused on their bikes and performance,” Dieguez says. “With a good position you can have a big improvement without extra training and for only a small monetary investment. You can also avoid injuries, or simply enjoy a ride with friends without pain.”

3D analyses
“With these tools, we can find the best position for each rider. This lets hobby riders enjoy a ride without discomfort, can help pro riders improve their performances and avoid injuries. We can even detect particular problems and solve them.”
‘You will feel the results immediately’

Exactly how does the lab do this?
“We are one of the few labs that has a dynamic kinematic analysis, pressure analysis and power analysis in the same place,” he explains. “With RETUL 3D Analysis, we can find the optimal position for each rider and adjust the bike to them.”
“We help our clients choose the best bike for them”, Dieguez continues. “Before buying a new bike, and spending anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000 Euro, make sure you get the right one. We can help select the proper size, model, stem length, crank length, and let them test it before they buy.”

One of the most sensitive problems is the saddle, says the Catalan specialist. “That is the principal connection between the bike and the rider. With the saddle pressure analysis, we can find the best saddle for each rider and the best position on it to avoid pain and optimize performance.” This is especially important for female riders.
Ultimately, Dieguez offers the 3D pedal stroke analysis. “With this tool we can analyze the pedal stroke in real time, and see the percentage of efficiency the rider has, and how the power is transferred to the pedals. We then analyze the improvements after changes are made.”
This story is part of Nafent Magazine volume 4. Read the full story in our digital or paper magazine. Go to our webshop, or buy yours at one of our seventy partner places.
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