Author name: Guida Pons

Javi Alonso: Unveiling two passions

There is no doubt that the city of Girona is nowadays the global epicenter of cycling and good cuisine. There is also no doubt that in order to become the best cyclist or cook in the world, you need to have a lot of love for what you do. This is Javi Alonso, one of the people with the most passion and dedication to cycling and good cuisine that I have ever met in Girona.

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Va de gravel

Va de Gravel is launched to avoid miscalculations, sometimes caused by route builder errors, sometimes due to GPS signals malfunctioning, or other inaccurate data.

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SKS Germany Nafent

SKS Germany’s Rennkompressor

In the world of bicycle pumps, the SKS Rennkompressor NXT and its digital sibling, the Rennkompressor NXT Digi, are two distinct options that cater to the discerning needs of cyclists. These pumps, crafted by SKS Germany, offer reliability and functionality in different ways, each appealing to a specific set of preferences.

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